When the gin producer Hambre decided to explore a different beverage, it had to be a strong one, made for the real bohemians. That’s why the brand chose negroni to be its next adventure, a drink that resonates with its bold spirit.

Negroni’s recipe results from profaning a classic American drink by adding gin to it. We named Hambre’s new bottled drink after this audacious act: “Profano.” Then, to match the visual identity with this brand concept, we profaned Bodoni, a classic Italian type. Finally, to recall the drink’s deviant origin, the art direction for the photo shooting created an obscure and yet exquisite setting — qualities of the Negroni's recipe itself.

Creative Director: Rodrigo Poersch
Head of Design: Gean Santos
Designer: Gabriel Menezes, Gean Santos
Copywriter: Pedro Silva